New Look!

Hazy Bowls has a new look! Check out the new landing page with more refined overview of the Hazy Bowl brand. Outlined are the different styles of the bowls and more streamlined approach at presenting the information.


With the update, comes the new leaderboard page which stores the top hazy hunting leaderboard, countries who are the fastest to secure a bowl off a drop. Also included are the maps posted after a drop which show where each bowl went and who was first.


Lastly, a new addition: top set collectors. A set consists of 4 different Hazy Bowl designs! Will you be the first to collect a set? 


Hazy Bowl updates for 2024
Hazy Bowl updates for 2024
A new look!...Again!
A new look!...Again!
Hazy Bowl Contest
Hazy Bowl Contest
New Discord Server!
New Discord Server!
New Batch Drop!
New Batch Drop!
Welcome to the new Hazy Bowls!
Welcome to the new Hazy Bowls!

1 thought on “New Look!


Hi I would like to order a bowl

January 28, 2023 at 18:34pm

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